Malo - Wedding Bands

Here, you'll find the best Wedding Bands styles in Indianapolis IN. We work with only the finest diamonds and precious materials such as white gold, yellow gold, and more. Come visit us in Indianapolis IN for a complimentary visit with our team! We will help you find the perfect wedding bands for you and your significant other!

  1. SKU FJMD-002-9W27_plat
    Malo 9mm Platinum Diamond Band

  2. SKU FT-249-6W-01_plat
    Malo 6mm Platinum Carved Band

  3. SKU J-209-04WG_plat
    Malo 4mm Platinum Plain Band

  4. SKU J-209-05WG_plat
    Malo 5mm Platinum Plain Band

  5. SKU J-209-06WG_plat
    Malo 6mm Platinum Plain Band

  6. SKU J-213-04WG_plat
    Malo 4mm Platinum Plain Band

  7. SKU J-213-05WG_plat
    Malo 5mm Platinum Plain Band

  8. SKU J-213-06WG_plat
    Malo 6mm Platinum Plain Band

  9. SKU J-308-04WG_plat
    Malo 4.5mm Platinum Plain Band

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